Support Us

Welcome to the "Donations" section of our service for practicing addition and multiplication! We take pride in providing completely free educational resources for children and their parents. Our goal is to create an accessible and effective learning platform, and we aim to make learning math engaging and easy for everyone.

About Us:

We pay special attention to the quality of our content and the user-friendliness of our service. Our educational materials are developed by experienced educators and specialists to help children develop addition and multiplication skills. We are proud to say that our website is ad-free, and there are no hidden fees. Our service is available for free to anyone looking to improve their mathematical skills.

Why We Need Your Support:

Despite our commitment to free education, there is a need for support to develop and maintain this project. Your donations will help us:

How You Can Help:

If you prefer to make a one-time contribution, you can do so now:

Qiwi Yoomoney

Thank you for your kindness and support! With your help, we can make math education more accessible and engaging for all children.